FIU - School of Computing and Information Sciences  
Faculty Course Appraisal System

**Sample** Appraising CAP-4104

Course Appraisal
Form 1 of 2

NOTE: This is a sample form and no data will be kept or written to these forms. These forms are for demonstration purposes only.

Course Objectives:
The common course syllabus lists the following objectives for this course:
  1. Develop and use a conceptual vocabulary for analyzing human interaction with software in context: affordance, feedback, personas, metaphors, conceptual model, and so forth.
  2. Define and apply a user-centered design process that explicitly takes account of the fact that the user is not like the developer or their acquaintances.
  3. Use prototyping techniques to gather and report on user responses to the prototypes.
  4. Apply a variety of techniques to evaluate a given UI, and compare the constraints and benefits of different evaluative methods.
  5. Design a user study that will yields quantitative results.
  6. Conduct a qualitative evaluation, analyze data, and discuss/report the results.
  7. Conduct and report on a study that utilizes both qualitative and quantitative evaluation.
  8. Discuss the advantages (and disadvantages) of non-mouse interfaces.

Please complete the grid below to show how your assignments, tests, etc. relate to the course objectives. You may use the buttons at the bottom of the page to alter the number of rows in the grid.

Assignment/TestObjectives Covered

Additional Help

The assignment list will always contain at least 10 entries. Blank entries are not saved as part of your appraisal, but are provided for convenience when adding more assignments. To delete an assignment, simply delete that assignment's name.

Save Assignments:
Saves your data so that you can complete it at a later time. It also provides a method for checking to make sure that your changes have been recorded. The form displayed after saving reflects the data as saved.

Saves your work on this page and displays the second page of the form.

Reverts this form to the last saved version.

More Assignments/Tests:
Adds 5 blank entries to the assignment list. Remember, blank entries are not saved.

Remove Trailing Blanks:
Removes blank entries from the end of the assignment list. Remember that at least 10 entries will be displayed at all times.

Your work is not saved until you click either the "Save Assignments" or the "Next" button.
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